What is the sin that is the most sneaky infiltrator into the life of a saint?
What is the most subtle and devious device of the enemy to infiltrate our souls to defile us and break our communion with God?
It is the original sin of PRIDE!
And how does it manifest? In our talking negatively about others, exalting ourselves above others in the process. In simple language it is called gossip, which disparages another.

This also contains the elements of criticism, judgement, fault-finding and rejection.
The origin of this is of course the self, the "I", which wants to look better, sound better, know better and be better than another.
If the Holy Spirit brings conviction of this sin, let us look it straight in the eye and deal with it as we humble ourselves before the Lord:
Father, I come before You in the Name of Jesus and I ask for your grace and Your power to deliver me of this evil sin of pride. I recognize it in my opinions and what I speak about others. I repent of it Lord, I renounce it and break with it in Jesus' Name, asking You to forgive me for being prideful.
Purify my heart, Father and cleanse me of this unrighteousness in Jesus' Name. Touch my lips with a fiery coal from your altar and cleanse me with Your precious blood, o Lord.
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord ,
my strength and my Redeemer". Psalm 19:14
Now I bind the spirit of pride and jealousy (that always compares with others) in Jesus' Name. I uproot you, enemy; I overthrow your reign in me and I speak destruction over your fruit in my life. I submit to the Lord in humility, I resist you and you flee from me in Jesus' Name!
I declare that I will only choose to see the good in others according to God's plans and purposes for their lives. Therefore I will only speak life over others, refusing to join negative talking about any other person by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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