Thursday, November 8, 2018

Agape Love conquers offenses

Lesson 37

I am so overwhelmed by the love of the Lord – just meditating on the power of love to overcome all offenses.

Recently I have been meditating on the Scripture below:

“The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another,
and towards all men,
even as we do towards you:
To the end He may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God,
even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.”
1 Thessalonians 3:12

To have a heart established in holiness before God is equated with the fulness of His agape love with His eternal perspective.

When our hearts are filled and overflowing with the agape of God, it is not easy to become offended. We will see people from God's perspective and His love will conquer all.

Negative situations will always come across our path, but when we respond in the Spirit of love and instant forgiveness, the fires of destruction are quenched with peace as the result.

The more we get saturated in His Presence, the more we will abound in love and then we become unoffendable and unmoved by the fleshly conduct and reactions in others.

When we counter someone’s negative response with the love of God, Christ is glorified and the fragrance of His presence spreads into the situation.

After all, our love towards another spills out from our love for Him and this enables us to love as He does with His agape.

Jesus asked Peter three times whether he loved Him more than those around. Twice He referred to agapao (divine love), but Peter answered with Phileo (brotherly love).
Jesus’ directive was to feed His sheep.

Our ministry to others should be motivated by the fiery love of God.

To live through Christ is to love and it is easy, because it is a natural flow of the Spirit of Love – the royal law of the Kingdom of heaven (James 2:8).

PRAYER: Father, it is Your commandment to love and You are the One who enables us to do so by the Spirit. Cause us to increase and to overflow in love, bearing with one another, forgiving one another as You do. Help us to counter the plans of the enemy to divide by offenses through your agape love so that You can establish us in holiness before You - in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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