Lesson 45

It is amazing how easily we can take offense or react negatively to the ungodly behavior of others, forgetting that the enemy’s prime purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. This he can easily accomplish by contaminating us with an offense, which leads to bitterness and anger - becoming a stronghold in our minds that can become an impregnable fortress.
This will inevitably hinder our prayers and open our lives for backlash from the enemy to steal from us.
It is important that we take time every evening before bed to ask the Holy Spirit to show us anything that has contaminated us during the day. Then, in obedience to the truth, we can purify our souls unto unfeigned love of the brethren (by repentance and forgiveness) - choosing to love everyone unconditionally with a pure heart - fervently!
Sometimes it is hard to get past our negative perceptions, but when we choose to obey the commandment of love, the Holy Spirit enables us to walk in the freedom of love from a pure heart.
It is a costly thing to hang on to bitterness and unforgiveness:
Matthew 6:15 "But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
So help us, Lord to live in love - well pleasing to You!
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